The second level consists of 10 different screens with interconnected puzzles. This guide will explain step by step how to complete the level 100%. Obtaining appearances is entirely optional to finish the game.

Click anywhere for Hei to stand up. In this level, you need to build a hot air balloon. To do this, you'll need a deflated balloon, a box, 4 sacks, 4 ropes, and fire. To start, go to the top screen.

On this screen, you'll find a rabbit looking for its 4 children. For now, you can't do anything here, so go to the left.

Talk to Manolo to get 10 empty containers.

Go back to the previous screen and save the spark in one of the containers. Now go to the right screen.

You can get a new appearance at the back of the hut. Collect the two parts of the vacuum cleaner to build it.

On the initial screen, you can now attach the yellow battery to the vacuum cleaner. You can also take the opportunity to save a spark in a container. Now go to the right screen.

Take the lever. Interact with the cave to start a mini-game.

In this dark labyrinth, you can get a spark and rescue one of the little rabbits.

Collect the rope that the rabbit left and go down.

Firstly, you can collect wood after using the vacuum cleaner to remove the yellow cloud. You can also use the lever to open the hatch and save a spark in a container. Finally, interact with the arcade machine to play a mini-game.

In this mini-game, you have to create a path for the rabbit to escape. To do this, clicking the yellow and blue buttons once will achieve it.

Collect the rope left by the rabbit and go to the right.

You can save the spark in one of the containers. Now click on the rabbit's tail to make it return to its mother.

Collect the rope the rabbit leaves, go back to the left, and go down.

Use the lever to open the hatch and collect the minerals. Save the spark in one of the containers. Interact with the plane to start a mini-game.

Reach the rabbit to save it and the deflated balloon to collect it, be careful with the enemies along the way, or you'll start over.

Collect the rope left by the rabbit and return to the initial screen.

Place the ropes and the deflated balloon on the left side of the screen and go up.

You have now rescued all the rabbits; as a reward, you can collect the diamond. Use the vacuum cleaner to remove the yellow cloud and collect scissors that you'll find. Now go to the left.

Give the encapsulated sparks to Manolo, and he will release the wooden box. You can attach the red battery to the vacuum cleaner.

Return to the screen with the laces and use the vacuum cleaner to remove the red cloud. Collect the wood on the ground and attach the green battery to the vacuum cleaner.

Go to the plane screen again and remove the red cloud with the vacuum cleaner to obtain a VIP card.

In the arcade machine room, go to the left.

Remove the green cloud with the vacuum cleaner and take the wood. You can get a new appearance by interacting with the bird. Now go up; you'll be on the initial screen. If you go left and down from there, you'll have crossed the river. Give the card to the guard, and he will let you pass.

Save the spark in a container and go to the left.

Use the vacuum cleaner to remove the yellow cloud and collect the spark with a container. Take the 4 sacks and deliver the minerals to the small vendor to get the blue battery.

Return to the laces screen and remove the blue cloud with the vacuum cleaner. Now cut the fire plant with the scissors to collect it.

Go to the rainbow arches screen to remove the colored clouds with the vacuum cleaner and thus be able to pick up the wood.

Go to the screen where you found the vacuum cleaner and remove the green cloud with it. This way, you can make it collect the wood and give the 5 items to the mechanic (along with the diamond) to build the box. Take advantage of opening the washing machine with the lever and save the spark in a container.

Use the vacuum cleaner to remove the cloud and save the spark in a container. Now deliver the 5 encapsulated sparks to Manolo to get a new appearance.

Return to the initial screen and place the box, fire plant, and sacks in their place. Click again to build the hot air balloon.

And thus, you complete the level and send Hei to the city!